Predictoor docs
Run AI-powered prediction bots or trading bots on crypto price feeds to earn $
Last updated
Run AI-powered prediction bots or trading bots on crypto price feeds to earn $
Last updated
ASI Predictoor provides on-chain "prediction feeds" on whether ETH, BTC, etc will rise in the next 5 min or 60 min. "Predictoors" submit predictions and stake on them; predictions are aggregated and sold to traders as alpha. Get started at
Introduction - the "why" and "what"
Architecture - structure, behavior, privacy
How to earn as a ...
Predictoor - running a prediction bot
Trader - running a trading bot
Data farmer - baseline sales $ for running predictoor bots
Parameters on price of feeds, more
FAQ and further resources
Core repo: pdr-backend
Finally, join us on Discord to chat with other predictoors, traders, or devs in the Predictoor ecosystem.
Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming. — David Bowie